关键词: 电视民生新闻;故事化;利弊;策略
ABSTRACT:Nowadays, the fictionalizing of TV news reports are pretty common, as well as TV livelihood news. In the process of development of the news report, the fictionalizing of TV livelihood news has a unique competitive advantage against the general ways of the other news report. It improves and keeps the television ratings of TV livelihood news, and promotes the news development to serve the public better. However two sides of the same coin, TV livelihood news also has some shortcomings. Combining previous research results, through different examples of analysis and discussion on the pros and cons. And then summed up the more comprehensive tactics of improving the level of the fictionalizing of TV livelihood news. This could promote TV livelihood news and other news programs, also may give some theoretical references of related researches.
Keywords: TV livelihood news; fictionalizing; pros and cons; tentative