摘要:信访工作作为一项制度一直被党和政府誉为架设在群众与领导之间的“桥梁”和“纽带”, 是政府部门了解社情民意、消除社会不稳定隐患、克服官僚主义、密切党群血肉关系的重要渠道。本文旨在通过某市5年间的受理信访案例所反映的情况分析,从而总结某市5年内社会矛盾的变化以及信访问题的特点,并思考解决当前社会矛盾、问题的措施,对解决信访问题、维护社会稳定起到积极促进的作用。
关键词 :信访工作; 信访制度; 维护社会稳定
Abstract: This petition has been working as a system set up in the party and the government hailed as among the masses and the leadership of the "bridge" and "link", is a government department to understand society and public opinion, to eliminate risks of social instability, overcome bureaucracy, close party group relations as an important channel for flesh and blood. This paper aims to city five years of receiving petition cases reflect the situation analysis, a city five years to summarize the changes in social conflicts and the characteristics of the petition questions and think about solving social conflicts, the question of measures to resolve the petition on the issue, maintaining social stability play an active role.
Keywords: dealing with complaints; petition system; maintain social stability.