关键词:地名; 社会变迁; 城市化; 老地名
Abstract: As a long history of the ancient capital, Nanjing has a rich cultural heritage, places can serve as a witness to the Nanjing social change, and reflect social change, the development of Nanjing ancient times. In previous studies, many scholars from linguistics, demography, geography, and other aspects of the characteristics of regularity and development of the place names rarely analyzed from a sociological point of view of geographical names. This paper attempts to start from the place names, use the perspective of sociological observation to observe the social development and change in Nanjing City, the embodiment of the analysis of social change in social development in a number of ways, and as evidenced by place names in Nanjing.
Keywords: Place name; Social Change; Urbanization; Old names
每一个老地名, 或许附载着一个古老的动人故事,或许镌刻着一件不凡的历史;每一个新地名,都是新时代、新文化、新思想的集中体现,这些地名的保存和变化,都是我们社会在变化,寥寥数字的地名浓缩了一个城市的社会变迁史。从地名看社会变迁,不仅有趣味,更有值得思考的价值。地名是社会发展的反映,而社会的发展也推动着地名的继续发展,会有新地名的产生,也会有老地名的消失,对新地名的接纳是对社会发展的认可,而对老地名的保护则是对我们传统文化的继承和发扬。从地名入手运用社会学的视角观察社会变迁,是从一个特殊的视角去观察社会,体味社会,会对社会变迁有更加深刻的认识和感悟。