摘要:社区矫正制度作为非监禁刑的执行方式,突出特点就是轻刑化,人道化,行刑个别化,它体现了国家尊重和保障人权在刑罚中的具体落实。近年来,我国加快推进社区矫正制度,在长期的试点中取得了一定的成绩,但是由于这是外来文化的移植,所以在本土化的过程中也出现了一些问题,对这些阻碍社区矫正本土化的因素进行考量, 有助于我们更加理性地探究社区矫正本土化的实现路径。本文就矫正试点实践的现状、问题和完善对策三个问题做了简要探讨。
关键词:非监禁 社区矫正 社会工作
Abstract: Community correction as a way of non-durance penalty execution system, the outstanding characteristic is light punishment, humanitarian, the individuation of execution, it embodies the national respect and safeguard human rights in criminal punishment in the concrete implementation. In recent years, our country accelerate the community correction system, in the long run in the pilot has obtained certain achievements, but because this is the transplantation of foreign culture, so in the process of localization, also appeared some problems in the hinder factors of community correction localization, help us to explore more rational implementation of community correction localization path. Based on predecessors' exploration and correct the current situation of the pilot practice, problems and perfect countermeasures were reviewed
Key words: Not in prison Community correction Social work
社区矫正制度起源于英美等西方国家,是刑罚执行制度由严趋宽的国际趋势的体现,在促进罪犯回归社会、减轻监狱经济压力、避免轻刑犯罪交叉感染、合理配置行刑资源、促进社会治安良性循环等方面具有重要意义。 由于社区矫正方式是整个世界刑罚执行方式的大势所趋,原本重刑主义思想浓厚的我国也开始了司法的重大改革,作为舶来品引进的社区矫正方式从2003年的试点工作到现在已经有了将近10年的历程。那么,社区矫正在理论指导、核心价值、工作方式等理论研究方面需要做出怎样的调整和适应?实践中的社区矫正在我国是否已经能够很好的发挥出其对于我国刑罚执行的重大价值?社区矫正在融入我国社会中会出现怎样的问题?社会工作专业相关内容如何应用到社区?