[摘要]: 2011年的“快乐女声”似乎不是很太平,被广电总局多次警告。最终,“快乐女声”的发言人对媒体宣称2011年后停办“快乐女声”节目。是年10月份,国家广电总局正式出台了“限娱令”。瞬间,几乎所有的卫视都开始按照“限娱令”对各自的节目作出整顿。但从实践来看,“限娱令”没有完全限制娱乐,只是限制了当下电视节目的过度娱乐化。被整治过的电视娱乐节目环境,同质化、低俗化现象明显改观,电视娱乐节目开始呈现良性的发展态势。
[关键词]: 限娱令 快乐女声 娱乐节目 利弊分析
Abstract : In 2011 ,Super Girls did not seem very peaceful, was repeatedly warned by the SARFT Administration of the radio, Film and Television officially. In the end, Happy Girls spokesman told the media that "Happy Girls" program would be closed down after 2011.The nest, In October 2011, the State Administration of the radio, Film and Television officially introduced Limit Entertainment Order. In
an instant, a ripple, almost all on Star TV in accordance with the Limit Entertainment Order to make their respective programs to make rectification. Limited entertainment from various units of practice, order does not completely restrict the entertainment, just limit the excessive entertainment of the current program. Regulation of television entertainment environment, the homogenization of the vulgarization of the phenomenon of marked improvement in TV entertainment began slowly showing healthy development.
Key words:Limit Entertainment Order; Super Girls; Entertainment; Advantages and Disadvantages;