摘要: 本研究是基于对小学四,五年级学生的口语测试,采用调查问卷,访谈,课堂观察的方式来研究小学生英语口语的现状及其影响因素。结果表明:部分英语教师由于自身水平的限制和对口语能力的认识不足,其对学生的口语训练力不从心,甚至减少对学生的口语能力的培养;学生在课堂回答时缺乏一定的自信心,而且大多学生本来的英语知识的掌握不够牢固,不敢开口说话,所以口语难以提高;家长大多数对于英语口语能力的重要性认识还不充分,大多数小学生的英语口语水平还不足以与他人进行正常的流畅的英语交流。基于以上结论,本研究还探讨了相关的口语教学建议。
关键词: 小学生; 英语口语能力; 影响因素;调查
Abstract:The main purpose of the research is to study the present situation of the primary student’s spoken language abilities and their influence factors through questionnaire survey, interview and observation. The results indicate that: (1) some teachers, because of their own language levels’ limit and insufficiency of understanding spoken language, they lack the ability to train students’ spoken language well. (2) Students are short of self-confidence, dare not to speak, therefore it is difficult for them to enhance the spoken language abilities. (3) Parents don’t fully realize the importance of spoken language abilities. (4) The majority of primary school students are unable to communicate with other people smoothly. Based on the above findings, this research discusses the reason why primary school students’ spoken language abilities are insufficient, and puts forward the relevant teaching suggestions.
[Key words] primary school students; spoken language abilities; influence factors; investigation