摘要:在中国,英语是作为第二语言来学习的,小学英语教学有着自己的独特性。学习动机对学习效果有很大的影响,作为内在学习动机之一的自我效能感则成为本研究的重点。通过问卷调查,自然情境下的观察以及非正式访谈得出,小学生英语学习自我效能感较高,但他们的英语成绩却没有普遍偏高;小学生把学习英语作为一项任务,而不是主动的有兴趣的去学习。 为了在这种情况下提高学生英语学习的效果,教师需要培养学生学习英语的兴趣;培养学生良好的学习习惯;建立适当的奖励惩罚制度。
关键词: 小学英语学习; 学习动机;自我效能感; 学习效果
Abstract: In China, students learn English as a second language, and English teaching in the primary school has its own peculiarities. Learning motivation has a big effect on learning effect. So the self-efficacy, as one of the Intrinsic learning motivation, becomes the focus of our research. Through the Questionnaire survey, the observations in the natural situation and the Informal interviews, we come up with the following conclusions: The pupils have high self-efficacy, but they don’t have good English outcome. They regard English as a task, instead of their interest. In order to improve the pupils' English learning , the teachers should cultivate students' interest and good habits of English learning, establish a system of reward and punishment.
Key Words: Primary school English learning Learning motivation Self-efficacy learning effect