Abstract: The Kite Runner is the Afghan-American writer Khaled Hosseini’s first novel,and it is also the first English novel created by an Afghan-American author. The Kite Runner tells the story of an Afghan teenager, Amir’s growing experience through the first point of view and the salvation for the mistakes he has made to his friend Hassasn. This article will investigate the hero Amir’s growing journey: as a teenager, due to his desire for father’s love, character defects and different cultures,races and classes,he betrays his friend Hassan; then, as an adult, because of immigration, father’s love, wife’s sincerities and love and the pursuit for good humanity, he tries every effort to make up for his mistakes and finally finishes his salvation.
Key words: The Kite Runner; Amir; betrayal; self-salvation
1. Introduction1
1.1 Khaled Hosseini and The Kite Runner
1.2 Literature Review
2. Amir’s Betrayal in Adolescence 2
2.1 Scorn
2.2 Stand-by
2.3 Frame-up
3. Amir’s Self-salvation in Adulthood .7
3.1 To be Good Again
3.2 The Adoption of Sohrab
4. Conclusion9