Jane Austen has a special and honored place in the center of the great tradition of the English novel. Although her works are frequently considered as concerning the trivializing domesticity, readers of her novels for generations continually make fresh discoveries about the world depicted in her fictions and are gradually aware of the profound social significance hidden behind Austen's triviality.
Contemporary critics have already found feminist elements in the Austen novels. Of all her works, Emma is often regarded as the most because it shows clearly Austen's understanding of and feeling about the problems of women in her society. This thesis, by making an analysis of the heroine, Emma Woodhouse , is aimed at finding Austen's feminist concerns reflected in the novel.
The first chapter briefly introduce Jane Austen's literary achievements and Emma.
The second chapter makes a overview of the reflections of the feminism in Emma. Emma has the sense of freedom, she is independent and she doesn’t want to marry in order to fortune.
The third chapter clarifies the causes of the feminism in Emma.
The fifth chapter reaches the conclusion that Austen has radical ideas about rights and makes enlightening comments on women's existence.
Keywords: feminism Emma Jane Austen
1. Introduction1
1.1 Introduction to the Author and Emma
1.2 Literature Review
2. Reflections. .2
2.1Emma’s Sense of Freedom
2.2Emma’s Independent Consciousness
2.3Emma’s View of Marriage
3. Causes.4
3.1The Social Background
3.2Emma’s Family Background
3.3Emma’s Personal Experience after Miss Taylor Married
5. Conclusion7