Abstract: The Catcher in the Rye has been regarded as a highly influential novel since its publication around the world. The novel shows to the readers a man of inner world of an adolescent student. Adolescence is a very special period in one’s life. Students in adolescence are not mature enough mentally and need support and love from their parents, proper education and guidance in school, and warmth given by the society. This paper uses the contemporary youth psychology theory to interpret, clarify the factors resulting in the collapse of the adolescent Holden’s heart. The factors including the negative influence comes from indifference of his family, failure to seek help from school and society, and disappointment in love world will be considered in this paper.
Key words: adolescence; psychology; Holden; bewilderment
1. Introduction1
2. Theories about Youth Psychology.2
3. The Holden’s Confusion and the Causes.3
3.1 The Impact Influence of Family
3.1.1 Parent Factors in Adolescence
3.1.2 Brother and Sister Factors in Adolescence
3.2 The Absence of Help from School
3.2.1 School Factors in Adolescence
3.2.2 Teacher Factors in Adolescence
3.3 Disappointment in the Social World
3.3.1 Lover Factors in Adolescence
3.3.2 Social Factors in Adolescence
4. Conclusion8