English classroom teaching plays a significant role in English teaching in Primary school. Successful English classroom teaching is expected to create a situation relevant to teaching content, so that students can acquire English knowledge by experiencing language in a near authentic situation. However, the improper classroom situation design will probably result in the failure to carry out the classroom teaching activities. To make it worse, it may even make students become less interested in English learning. Based on the theory of situational teaching method, this paper analyzes deficits in current situation design in primary school English classroom teaching, combines the features of situation design and practical classroom teaching, puts forward some advice for successful situation design and expects to offer some references to improve effects of primary school English teaching and learning.
Key words: situation design; primary school English teaching; classroom teaching effect
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-3
2.1 Situated learning theory-3
2.2 Studies on situation-based teaching-4
3. Deficits in Current Situation Design in Primary English Teaching-7
3.1 Lack of visual figurativeness-8
3.2 Lack of meaning relevance-8
3.3 Lack of communicative practice-10
4. Design of Proper Situations in Primary School English Class-11
4.1 Authentic situation-11
4.2 Cooperative situation-12
4.3 Progressive situation-12
4.4 Hierarchic situation-13
4.5 Stimulative situation-14
5. Conclusion-15
Works Cited-17