关键词:交际教学法 英语口语教学 策略
1. Introduction-1
2. Features of Oral English Teaching-1
3. The Current Situation of Oral English Teaching in Middle School-2
3.1The Different Cultural Background and Teaching Abilities of Teachers-3
3.2 Lack of Teaching Aids-4
3.3 Insufficient English Classes-5
3.4 The Dumb English Phenomenon-5
4. The Necessity of the Application of Communicative Approach in Oral English Teaching-6
4.1 The Necessity of Oral English Teaching-8
4.2 The Advantages of Communicative Approach in Oral English Teaching -9
4.3 The Impact of Communicative Approach on Oral English Teaching in Middle School-10
5. The Application of Communicative Approach in Oral English Teaching -10
5.1 Changing Traditional Pattern of Oral English Teaching-11
5.2 Increasing Extra Oral English Activities After Class-12
5.2.1 Role Play in Situational Dialogues-12
5.2.2 Group Work-14
5.2.3 Pair Work-16
5.2.4 Retelling the Text-17
6. Conclusion-17