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  • 更新时间:2017-10-18
  • 论文字数:5611
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  • 资料包括:完整论文




English Picture Book plays an important role in primary school English teaching. Firstly, the essay presents the definition and characteristics of English Picture Book and then states the theoretical basis, zone of proximal development as well. Under the background of New Curriculum Reform, the paper focuses on how to choose and modify English Picture Book before class, including the principles of choosing English Picture Book, principles of modifying English Picture Book and forms of modified English Picture Book. Meanwhile, it also discusses the application of English Picture Book in classroom teaching.


Keywords: English Picture Book; primary school English teaching;     zone of proximal development; modification; application





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

3. English Picture Book-3

3. 1 Definition of English Picture Book-3

3. 2 Characteristics of English Picture Book-3

4. Theoretical Basis of English Picture Book Teaching-4

5. How to Choose and Modify English Picture Book before Class-5

5. 1 Principles of choosing English Picture Book-5

5. 2 Principles of modifying English Picture Book-7

5. 3 Forms of modified English Picture Book-8

6. How to Apply Modified English Picture Book into Classroom Teaching-15

6. 1 In warming-up-16

6. 2 In presentation-16

6. 3 In practice-17

7. Conclusion-19

Works Cited-20

