Abstract: Nowadays, the ways adopted by teachers are still simple in contemporary primary English classes. Students are active in classes, while comparing the input, the practice of the output is not enough to express their thoughts and emotion freely. Swain has put forward the Comprehensible Output Hypothesis Theory, which stresses that the second language learners who use only input established on the Comprehensible Input Hypothesis cannot communicate with each other. A successful language learner needs both. The author analyzes the necessity of enhancing the output of language in primary classes based on the theoretical foundation and the practical foundation. Meanwhile, this study puts forward some reasons why the primary students are short of the output by combining the experience and the survey results from primary school teachers. The reasons can be divided into the subjective reasons and the objective reasons, which include the interests of students, the teaching methods, limitation of the class time the environment and so on. Then, according to the theory and teaching, the author draws a conclusion that if we want to solve the problem of inefficient output in primary English classes, we must enhance the practice of output in classes and teaching process, which cooperate with the supervision and feedback after class. At last, the author puts forward some effective methods for teachers focusing on output in primary English classes.
Keywords: output of language; elementary English; teaching practice
Chapter one: Introduction-5
1.1 Research background-5
1.2 Significance and purpose of the research-5
Chapter two: Literature Review-6
2.1 Theoretical foundation of enhancing the output in elementary English classes-6
2.1.1 An introduction of the Output-6
2.1.2 Other theoretical foundation to enhance the output in elementary school English class-7
2.2 Practical foundation-7
2.3 Review of the Related Studies-8
Chapter Three: The case study-9
3.1 The interview subjects-9
3.2 Data collecting methods-10
3.3 Data collection-10
3.3.1 Interview-10
3.3.2 Lesson observations-11
Chapter Four: Data analysis-11
4.1 Interviews-11
4.2 Class observations-12
Chapter 5: Discussion and Finding-14
5.1 The reasons for the insufficient of the output of the English in elementary school classes-14
5.1.1 Subject factors.-14
5.1.2 Objective reasons-15
5.2 Effective strategies to improve the output of the language in elementary school classes-15
5.2.1. Suitable guidance for learners to produce output.-15
5.2.2 Promoting writing practice in English class-16
5.2.3 More activities for imagination and cognitive challenges-16
5.2.4 Timely teacher feedback to the output of the students-17
5.2.5 Effective supervision after the class-18
Chapter Six: Conclusion-19
Appendix 1: Interview Questions-20
Appendix 2: Lessons-20