Tao Xingzhi, who is the famous educator once said:“The art of teaching lies in stimulating student’s interest in learning by all means, since they are willing to dedicate themselves to learning when they are interested in the things they are learning.” Interest is the best teacher for students to learn English. According to the English Course Standards for primary and secondary schools which was revised and promulgated in 2003, some primary schools in the cities and countries set up English course in Grade 3. The current survey has showed that students’ interest in learning English is not optimistic in our country.
This thesis discusses how to improve students’ interest in learning English from two parts. The first one is the reasons why students feel uninterested in learning English, and the second one, some methods with which to improve students’ interest in learning English.
Keywords: English learning; interest; teaching methods;
1.Introduction 1
2.Reasons Why Students Feel Uninterested in Learning English. 2
2.1 Lack of Motivation.2
2.2 Lack of Self-confidence.2
2.3 Factors of Teachers.3
2.4 Factors of Students.3
3. Methods to Improve Students’ Interest in Learning English.4
3.1 Measures Taken by Students4
3.1.1Dealing With the English Examination Results Correctly.4
3.1.2 Enhancing the Ability of Prediction5
3.1.3Seizing and Developing Good Learning Habits.7
3.2 Measures Taken by Teachers .8
3.2.1 Creating a Happy and Comfortable Learning Environment8
3.2.2 Setting up Strong Confidence and Courage.9
3.2.3Associating With Life11
4. Conclusion.12