Abstract:21st century, the growing trend in English teaching should be for teachers to adopt Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT). However, the fact is that a lot of teachers do not use task-based approach in practical English reading lessons. Reading plays an important role in English learning. In English classes, principles and models for teaching reading should be paid attention to. This paper outlines the principles that underlie Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) and to give examples of classroom activities within the approach. The author carried out a research that shows how TBLT methodology is applied in reading teaching in English classes in Nan’ao Middle School. And the author found that task-based curriculum design is more complex than traditional teaching methods (PPP). These factors lead many teachers do not want to apply task-based approach to give lectures, but a series of questionnaires and reading tests showed that task-based approach can enhance students’ interest in learning and reading skills, better reflect the requirements of new curriculum standard.
Key Words: Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT), Traditional Reading Teaching, Application
关键词: 任务型阅读教学 传统阅读教学 应用