Abstract:This paper analyzes and summarizes the recent studies on English vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) of Chinese college students. In recent years, more and more scholars are aware of the importance of vocabulary learning for foreign language learning. And the size of vocabulary has direct and significant influence on English learning. For this reason, many scholars begin to study English vocabulary learning strategies. This paper studies and analyzes VLS researches on Chinese college students. . On the basis of these studies’ main achievements, the paper also points out the developing trend in this field and gives suggestions to future researches.
Key Words: Vocabulary learning strategy, Chinese college students, developing trend.
1.Studies concerning with the use of VLS by college students2
1.1 Studies on what strategies the students are using .2
1.2 Studies on VLS adopted by different groups of college students.4
1.2.1 Studies on VLS adopted by students of different grades.5
1.2.2 Studies on the VLS adopted by students with different English levels6
1.2.3 Studies on the VLS adopted by students of different genders.7
2. Studies on the strategies that significantly correlate with the vocabulary size8
2.1 General studies on the relationship between VLS and vocabulary size8
2.2 Studies on the relationship between specific VLS and vocabulary size.9
2.2.1 Studies on the specific cognitive VLS9
2.2.2 Studies on the specific metacognitive VLS10
Conclusion .11
Work Cited.13
Bibliography 15
Acknowledgements .17