Abstract:With the development of economy, English has become an international language that is widely spoken in most countries. Although our country's economic strength and international influence is growing rapidly in recent years, and there is a craze for learning Chinese, but English will still be the universal language in the long term. Therefore, learning English is still very important for our future. However, because of the difference of two language’s system, most of Chinese students always make mistakes while they are using English. Sometimes Chinese people will make the special mistakes in English, such as in grammar, words and translation, and these mistakes are called Chinglish. In order to avoid Chinglish, this paper will analyze the reasons of Chinglish from the translation of English major students. This paper will collect some English majors’ writings and some translation pieces of different levels as argument. Besides analyzing the reasons for Chinglish, this paper will discuss the solutions of avoiding Chinglish in students Chinese to English translation,
Key words: Chinglish; reasons; solutions
I.-The Characteristics of Chinglish-2
B.-An Abstract Expression-3
C.-Literal Translation-4
II.-The Causes of Chinglish-5
A.-Different Way of Thinking-5
B.-Cultural Difference-6
C.-The Inadequate Understanding of English Words-7
D.-Incompetent Transformation of Thinking-8
III.-How to Deal with the Chinglish-9
A.-Cultivate English Thinking-9
B.-Improvement Understanding of Words-10
C.-Learning English Culture-10
D.-The Cultivation of Thinking Transformation-11