Abstract:With the development of China’s economy and opening policy, new teaching mode brings new challenges to English learner, English has become more and more popular. There are more and more people who pay attention to English learning in China. With the reforming of modern education system, the traditional English teaching can’t meet the requirement of the society; with the development of meta-cognitive strategies, people begin to concentrate on English self-access learning.
At present, more colleges and universities which have their own English CALL Centers; students here can arrange time for themselves to learn English independently. However, due to the influence of time, energy, and personal factors, many students have problems in self-access learning in the CALL Center. How much can it improve students’ English listening and speaking under such self-access English learning? This paper will make a survey and analysis and hope to shed light on English teaching in Chongqing University of Science and Technology.
Keywords:CALL Center; Self-access English Learning ; Ability Improving; Influence
现在越来越多的高校拥有自己学习英语的CALL Center,学生们可以在这里自主地安排时间进行自主学习,然而,由于受时间、精力、个人因素的影响,很多同学在英语自主学习中会遇到问题,这样的英语自主学习到底对学生的英语听说能力有多大的提升?本文将对此做出调查及可行性分析,以期能对重庆科技学院大学英语教学有所启发,并探索出更优化的英语自主学习模式。
关键词:CALL Center 英语自主学习 提升能力 影响
This paper according to the students the results of questionnaire survey and interviews, I discuss the non-English majors’ autonomous learning in the CALL center, on the basis of analyzing the factors which influenced students’ autonomous learning, in order to inspire the university English Teaching in CQUST and promotes English teaching. By learning English in the CALL center, they got the growth of knowledge, improved English grades, stimulated interest and the most important is they find a way to independently learn. And the motivation of their study, attitudes toward English, cognitive styles and learning strategy are the factors that influenced student’s self-access learning. Most of the students agree that.
Autonomous learning is a kind of independent learning concept imported from the west, but based on our investigation, this model is also suit for Chinese English learning. Since this study is designed to merely analyze students’ autonomous English learning in the CALL center of Chongqing University of Science and Technology, and the participants in the study is not enough, so that the results might only reflect the students’ situation in the investigated school. Therefore, it is necessary for further investigation into the related issues in different educational contexts to call for more attention to students’ autonomous learning in language center.