[摘要] 新世纪的语文课程与教学改革正在向纵深发展,语文课程与教学研究的重心转移到了语文课程与教学内容的建设上。本文立足于实践教学的角度,结合九年制义务教育课程标准和高中语文课程标准的,以语文知识的内涵,意义为依托,揭示语文知识教学高耗低效的现状,分析其产生的原因,并从合理选择,创造转化,多元理解三方面提出了解决方法。
[关键词] 知识教学; 高耗低效; 合理选择; 创造转化; 多元理解
[Abstract] The new century Chinese curriculum and teaching reform is the further development of Chinese curriculum and teaching research, the focus shifted to the Chinese curriculum and teaching content of construction. This article based on the Angle of practice teaching, combining the nine-year compulsory education curriculum standard and high school in the Chinese curriculum standard, the connotation of Chinese knowledge, meaning, reveal relying on Chinese knowledge teaching situation of high consumption of inefficient, analyze the causes, and from the rational choice, create three aspects of transformation, multiple understand solutions are put forward.
[Key words] Knowledge teaching; High consumption of inefficient; Reasonable choice; Create conversion; Multivariate understand