[摘要] 本文对应用导数来证明不等式、求函数的单调区间和极值、求函数的最值、求函数的参数和参数范围、讨论方程根的情况、求曲线的切线斜率和切线的方程、以及解决实际应用问题进行了讨论。
[关键词]导数 函数 极值 最值
[Abstract]This article to applies derivative proved the inequality, asked the function the monotonous sector and the extreme value, asks the function the most value, to ask the function the parameter and the parameter area, the discussion equation root situation, asked the curve tangent the slope and tangent the equation, as well as the solution practical application question has carried on the discussion
[Key words]Derivative function Extreme value most value