关键词:幼小衔接 幼儿教师 小学教师 幼儿家长 小学家长
Abstract:In recent years, with the increase of the all social’s attention to the preschool education, people’s preoccupation is growing with the quality of the preschool education, and that the transitional of the kindergarten education and the primary education is a crucial step. But for the moment, the continuity and transition from kindergarten to primary school is still an open question. A section of children still can not adapt themselves to the primary school life for an adequate length of time when they enter upon the primary school age: lacking of the rules awareness、good habits of study、self-sufficiency and so on; And so many parents attach more and more attention to the child’s development of pre-kindergarten age, this causes the children have to bear the study task which is no for them. And this also causes some kindergartens make the continuity and transition from kindergarten to primary school to become formulating and make the education to treat infants as pupils excessively, going back to the educational rules and law of children development badly. What is the continuity and transition from kindergarten to primary school like in people’s eyes nowadays? How about the level of the continuity and transition from kindergarten to primary school’s implement?
The writer makes the continuity and transition from kindergarten to primary school in the eyes of relating stakeholders(nursery school parents、 primary school parents、nursery school teachers and primary school teachers) the subjects of the article’s investigations, takes the case of a primary school and its affiliated kindergarten in Jing Jiang city, Jiang Su Province, analyses the implementation situation of continuity and transition from kindergarten to primary school, founds some problems about the implementation of the continuity and transition from kindergarten to primary school,for example,young stage teachers are lack of understanding of young convergence.Convergence of the work of young parents have weak sense of responsibility.But also against the status , using of the knowledge provides some strategies to solve problems,such as strengthening the teacher training,attention to young parents to guide convergence,enhance the awareness of primary school teachers and so on.
Key words:continuity and transition from kindergarten to primary school, nursery school teachers, primary school teachers, nursery school parents, primary school parents