关键词:单亲家庭 单亲家庭幼儿 补偿教育 学校教育
Abstract:Children of single-patent families are in the turning point of emotion and characteristics, which, however, leads to different kinds of psychological crises. In this case, kindergartens should use corresponding compensatory education to make up the loss of family education. In order to analyze this field in depth, this research investigated teachers who have children of single-parent families in their classes from 5 kindergartens in district Z, X, and W in the city of C with the form of questionnaire surveys and interviews. This research shows that most teachers believe that children of single parent families need the help of their families and teachers. As a result of that, more attention is paid to these children. However, due to some certain facts, teachers tend to give these children less opportunities and only few of them implement corresponding educational activities. Besides, both teachers and parents are not active enough in the communication. This research also attempts to arouse the attention of kindergartens to children of single parent families.
Keywords: single-parent families children of single-parent families compensatory education school education
近年来,单亲家庭现象呈现出增多的趋势,而这些家庭中有相当一部分孩子还很年幼,这些孩子正处于自控能力和调节能力较差的年龄段,却缺少父母双方的关怀,有相当一部分还承受着因贫穷等社会问题带来的压力,容易产生焦虑、愤怒、忧愁等心理健康危机和攻击行为、行为退缩等问题,长此以往,会对其人生发展带来相当大的负面影响。因此,为这些单亲家庭的孩子提供补偿教育,通过实施修改的或附加的教育计划和服务, 使他们恢复正常生活, 扩大教育机会,是极为重要和迫切的。但现今许多教育者一般都较为关注对其外在行为的教育控制,忽略对他们心理需要缺失的关注和补偿。另一方面,虽然已有一部分幼儿园认识到这个问题,对这些幼儿进行相应的补偿教育,但在实施过程中,也有许多教育者表示了一定的困惑。因此,有必要对于教育者对此类补偿教育的思考与实施过程等展开调查并进行深入探讨,并从中分析实施过程中的问题和困惑,提出切实可行的措施,从而为单亲家庭幼儿补偿教育的实施尽一份绵薄之力,促进更多孩子的健康成长。