关键词:3-4岁幼儿 饮食行为 家园比较
Abstract:During growth, preschool children will actively form their own eating behaviors according to the food they are supplied with. Generally, this active process is affected by varieties of factors, such as physiology, psychology, family, and society. As they are in a relatively faster growing process, preschool children are supposed to have special demand for nutrition. Therefore, scientific supply of nutrition and healthy eating behaviors are of great significance to their growth. Regarding as the two main living areas for contemporary children, homes and kindergartens will both play key roles in affecting children’s eating behaviors as parents and teachers are in main charge of arranging food for their kids and instructing them in how to eat. Through observation and questionnaire survey on two reception classes respectively belonging to two kindergartens of different levels, the author of this essay discovers that both the parents and teachers have attached great importance to fostering their children’s healthy eating behaviors, while their methods are partly in controversy. Therefore, in this essay, the author will interpret children’s eating behaviors from four aspects of diet: nutrition, hygiene, methods, and etiquette, and hence propose several suggestions according to the research result.
Key words:Children from 3 to 4 years old , Eating behavior , The comparison of family and kindergarten