[摘要] 在新课程改革推进的过程中,建立促进学生素质全面发展的评价体系已经成为我们亟待解决的问题。课堂教学评价语言的研究随之成为大家越来越关注的问题。本文以“多元智力理论”、“最近发展区理论”、“自我效能理论”为理论支撑,以贾志敏老师的课堂教学为例,主要研究了语文课堂教学评价语言的运用原则:1.激励性原则;2.针对性原则;3.启发性原则;4.幽默性原则。通过这一研究可以提高教师课堂教学评价语言运用的有效性,激发学生学习语文的兴趣。
[关键词] 课堂教学评价语言; 理论支撑; 贾志敏; 运用原则
[Abstract] With the progress of the gradual reform of new course, establishment to promote comprehensive development of students in the evaluation of the quality system has become urgent problem. The study of classroom teaching evaluation language are becoming focal point. Taking Jia Zhimin’s classroom teaching as an example, the applying principles of classroom teaching evaluation language was mainly researched in this study, with the theories support of Multiple Intelligences, Zone of Proximal Development, and Self-efficiency: 1.the incentive principle; 2.the pertinence principle; 3.the enlightening principle; 4.the humor principle. Through this study, the teachers’ efficiency of application of classroom teaching evaluation language can be improved, and students’ interesting of chinese learning can be stimulated.
[Key words] classroom teaching evaluation language; theory support; Jia Zhimin; the applying principles