[关键词] 新课程标准;文眼;金海侠;阅读教学
[Abstract] Reading teaching is the language teaching center. How to effectively improve the efficiency of classroom teaching of reading in the new curriculum implement, it is very important today. Based on the new curriculum standard teaching idea as the instruction, to" the eye" teaching method in the classroom memoir as the foundation, from" the eye" concept," the eye "theory basis," the importance of the eye" and" the eye" for the teaching of new curriculum four aspects combining practice and study, elaborated on the author in Chinese language teaching inspiration.
[Key words] New curriculum standards;Eye;Jin Haixia;Reading teaching
鲁迅先生曾经说:“要极省俭地画出一个人的特点,最好是画他的眼睛,倘若画了全副的头发,即使细得逼真,也毫无意思。”语文教学也正体现了这一点,教师若能指导学生以“文眼”为突破口,用“画眼睛”的方法“极省俭地”提炼出文章的精妙,引导学生从不同角度、不同层面去鉴赏作品,提高学生的阅读能力,是不是会使阅读教学更加省力、有效呢? 早在1985年,淮北煤师院中文系中教法教研室副教授金海侠先生在叶圣陶的语文教育思想的基础上继承了前人“评点法”的精髓,结合语文教学的实际和系统论原则,创立了“文眼导读教学法”。这种教学法注重学生学习方法的指导,培养学生的自主学习能力,省时、省力、效率高,能够抓住语文教学的重点,有效地提高语文课堂教学的效率。并且这种教学法根据几十年的实践证明和检验,仍在根据当前的教育环境和需求不断的进步,对其他的教育理论和方法也有重要影响,在新课程标准的实施下焕发了独特的魅力。