【关键词】表象; 数学表象; 几何概念
【Abstract】 The representation is a reproduction of the image through the perception of things in the human brain.。It is intuitive perception that makes the essential intermediate to the specific form of thinking. However, in the actual teaching, there are some problems in the representation of teaching. .In allusion to the problems existed in the representation of teaching in mathematics class, the article analyzed the causation and interposed the effective organization of teaching strategies on the. basis of the representation in combination with practice.
【Key words】 representation; Mathematical representation; Geometric concepts
表象既具有直观性又具有概括性,它的概括性极易受其直观性的负影响。就数学表象而言,数学表象的直观性极其容易掩盖其深刻的内涵与复杂性。例如,长期以来教师在区分长方形和正方形、平行四边形和长方形等概念过程中想尽了办法,却收效不大。学生根据长方形的标准图形“ ”误将“相邻两边的长度不等”看成是长方形本质属性的现象时常发生。究其原因是多方面的,其中,教师在教学过程中忽视数学表象及其教育价值的有效运用,是一个重要原因。如何有效地运用数学表象组织教学,是一个值得深入研究的课题。