Abstract: Experience learning, is know as a way of study which has the learners as the objects, who are involved in the activities, discover the problems, and then rethink profoundly to acquire the knowledge, strategy and attitudes. It emphasizes the process rather than the results, emphasizes the exploration rather than purely accept, emphasizes the achieve in affection rather than the simple knowledge achievements,emphasizes the teamwork rather than the solo. All of these make the experience study the supplement for traditional study.The article divided into 2 parts. On one hand, the theoretic state, which includes the definition of some related concepts, the characteristic of experience study, relative information at home and abroad. On the other hand, the practical research on experience study, which includes the use in primary Math teaching, the principle of experience study.This study tries to illustrate that experience study is a practical and important way of learning, which should be paid attention to.
Key words:experience;experiential learning;primary middle grades maths