[摘要]儿童诗作为诗歌国度里的一朵奇葩,不仅具有绘画美、音乐美,从诗中还可以体会到想象美、形象美、语言美。这一切都与儿童所具有的丰富的想象力、思维的形象性的心理特点相吻合,因而儿童更容易亲近它。 针对小学生目前学习儿童诗的现状,根据小学儿童诗教学的特点、新课标对儿童诗教学的要求,研究小学儿童诗教学中存在的问题并分析其产生的原因,提出解决小学儿童诗教学问题的相应对策,以实现儿童诗教学的最优化。与此同时也提出了小学儿童诗教学中应注意的问题。
[关键词] 儿童诗;儿童诗教学;小学语文教材;低年级
[Abstract] Children's poetry is considered as the masterpiece of the nation of poetry, which owes not only the beauty of painting and music but also gives people chance to experience the beauty of imagination ,figure and language. All of these match the rich imagination and thinking image of the psychological characteristics very well, so the children can make it easier to get close to it. According to the present situation of the children’s learning in poetry, with the characteristic of children’s poetry teaching and the demand of the New Curriculum Standards, I try to research the issues and find the reason and work out a way to improve the teaching strategies. At the same time, I work hard to find out the problems teachers should pay attention during the teaching.
[Key words] Children's poetry; Poetry teaching of primary school Chinese textbooks for children; Low grade;