摘 要:针对南京消费者如何选择购房地这一具体问题,本文采用层次分析法建立数学模型,并详细描述了如何运用该模型解决多目标决策问题的过程,最后借助于Matlab编写程序实现了该过程,并在具体实例中针对不同的人群分别得出了最佳的决策结果,为消费者的购房决策提供科学合理的办法。
关键词:层次分析法; 成对比较矩阵; 特征根; 特征向量.
Abstract:In this paper,aiming at the specific issue of purchasing houses for consumers in Nanjing, I make the mathematical modeling with AHP and describe a detailed process about how to solve the problem of multi-objective decision-making.In the last, I realize the process in Matlab and get the best decisions for the different crowds in specific instances,providing consumers with scientific and rational approach of making a decision to purchase houses.
Key words:Analytic Hierarchy Process; Paired comparison matrix; Eigenvalue; Eigenvector.