【摘要】学习困难最早是由美国心理学家柯克1962 年提出来的,是一个具有很大研究价值的话题,它不仅是心理学界和教育学界的所关注的课题,而且涉及社会生活的方方面面,与人才的培养密切相关。对于如何提高学习困难学生的学习能力则具有十分重要的实践意义。本文通过实证研究的方法,对某一个学习困难个体进行深入的研究,弄清楚其学习困难的原因,并针对这一个体的特殊情况提出相关的对策,以期促进其学习的进步,逐步改善学习困难的状况。
【关键词】 学习困难 ;个案研究
[Abstract]Learning difficulties by the American psychologist Kirk was first proposed in 1962, is a topic of great research value, it is not only the academic psychology and education, issues of concern, and involves all aspects of social life, and talent closely related training. How to improve the learning ability of students with learning difficulties is a very important practical significance. In this paper, empirical research methods, learning difficulties on a particular individual in-depth study, to clarify the reasons for their learning difficulties and special circumstances for the individual proposed measures related to promoting their learning progress, and gradually improve the learning difficulties situation. Paper is divided into four parts. The first part is an introduction, including: the definition, the subject of the status quo. The second part of the significance and research methods. The third part of the results, including information on the basic situation of the case, closely related to the case and interviews with staff, the reasons for the case of learning difficulties and to submit for the relevant measures of individual and help them improve the situation of learning difficulties . The fifth part is references.
[Key words]Learning difficulties ; Case StudiesAnalysis
通过学习困难概念的借鉴以及结合目前的研究,本文将学习困难概念界定为:学习困难是指有学习机会的学龄期儿童,由于环境、心理、技能等方面的原因,导致学习成绩明显落后于同龄儿童。理解学习困难的定义需要注意学习困难儿童的智力是正常的,即智商处于正常范围之内,但是在学习上确实存在着较严重的困难,学习成绩与自身的潜力存在显著的差异。 教育要面向全体学生,培养学生的全面发展,成为社会需要的公民。研究学习困难学生的形成原因,并基于此提出相关的解决对策,提高学习困难学生的学习成绩是全面推行素质教育的一项重要内容。通过对本个案学习困难的原因分析,我提出了一些教育对策,希望能够改造他的学习困难。