关键词 中学生;语文学习习惯;现状;对策
Abstract:With the deepening of education reform in the 21st century, the quality of education as a subject of modern education, which is supposed to not simply put knowledge to students, but rather to enable students to become masters of the classroom so that they can actively participate in the class , the purpose is to enable students to "learn how to learn." Not only enable students to learn how to learn to master the basics, but more is to enable students to master learning methods, exercise the ability to learn, with a certain self-learning ability, develop good study habits. Develop good language learning habits could help students improve learning effect, help to strengthen the students' language learning ability, more conducive to lifelong learning. Therefore, the study of language learning habits of students' has a very important practical significance. Language learning habits in language learning activities the learner characteristics and the way shown by modeling and behavioral tendencies immobilized. In this paper, using the questionnaire and interview survey of high school students to learn the language habits of the status quo, and found to exist in many language learning habits bad habits, causing this bad habit because the concept of education mistakes, Education Models biased , impetuous social impact, as well as social, school, family education in three areas of touch. In this regard, the Chinese students good study habits, and to enable students to develop good writing habits, reading habits, writing habits and heard habits. This article is based on a survey of schools for the survey, there is a certain one-sidedness, and the proposed strategy is not very specific in-depth. So expect more of language educators in educational practice attention to students' language learning habits, language learning students good habit to get into in-depth discussions and research.
Keywords Middle school students Language learning habit present situation countermeasures