摘要:中学生正处在身心发展的关键时期,中学生的生理与心理机能处于高速发展的阶段,也是学习的关键时期,好的成绩的取得不仅需要注意力,观察力,记忆力思维力想象力等智力因素的参与, 也需要兴趣、情感、意志和性格等非智力因素的积极参与。而中学语文作为一门人文性与工具性相统一的基础性学科,对培养学生的非智力因素起着至关重要的作用。
关键词 非智力因素;语文教学;培养策略
Abstract:Middle school students are in the critical period of physical and mental development, physical and psychological function of middle school students in a stage of rapid development, but also a critical period of learning, good achievements not only need attention, observation, memory, imagination, thinking ability of intellectual factors involved, also requires the active participation of interest, emotion, will and character of non-intelligent factors such as the. Basic subject and the middle school language as a subject of humanity and the tool of the unity, plays an important role in cultivating students' non-intelligence factors.
In this paper, from the angle of psychology and educational psychology in the intelligence factors and non-intelligence factors of students learning to do a detailed analysis and elaboration, by drawing on the results of non-intellectual factors, non-intellectual factors of the meaning, structure and function to form their own opinions, and to compare with the intellectual factors, non-intellectual factors the students are in the important and necessary role in learning. By analyzing function and Chinese curriculum standards for the subject of Chinese in the middle school language and develop the students' non-intelligence factors are closely related, through the language of this discipline to the development of students' non-intelligence factors is a convenient and efficient way, through the study of specific case, put forward and strategy training method of non-intelligence factors of students in middle school Chinese teaching.
Keywords Non-intelligence factors Chinese teaching Training strategy