摘 要
张弼士,广东文化名人之一,广东潮州人,年幼家境贫困,但经过了自己的努力,打拼出了属于他的事业。他的事业横跨政商两界,不但在仕途上春风得意,而且是当时海外华侨中首屈一指的爱国富豪,号称“比皇帝还富有的人”。 他开创了中国葡萄酒工业化生产的先河,时至今日仍然是世界华商界的标杆性人物。到了今天,张裕酒依然是国内酒类市场上的翘楚,其优良的品质赢得了世人的认可,可以说张裕酒是中国葡萄酒的鼻祖。张弼士堪称中国葡萄酒酿造第一人,是中国葡萄酒工业化生产的先驱。张裕的成功是中国民族企业的一面旗帜,其影响不可估量。张裕酒业勇于创新和精益求精的企业精神是民族企业的骄傲,所以很有必要探究这位对社会贡献极大的文化名人。本文以结合各种的资料,加上笔者的总体评价编辑而成,然后根据人物传记在语言上通俗易懂,结构上以时间、事件为线索的特点来进行翻译,进一步探讨在翻译过程中的所用到的增减译法、分合译法等翻译方法,在此基础上得知对原文的理解以及准确地表达出原文中的意思,对翻译尤为重要。
关键词:张弼士; 文化名人; 翻译方法
Zhang Bishi, one of the cultural celebrities in Guangdong, was born in Chaozhou. When he was young, his family was very poor. But with his great effort, he had his own business. He not only rode high in his official career, but also became a leading member of the patriotic overseas Chinese millionaires in his ages. He was called “the man richer than the emperor”. It was him that created the wine industry in China. Today, he is still regarded as the icon of Chinese businessmen around the world. Changyu wine is still the best in China for her excellent quality. In a sense, Changyu Wine is the mother of all Chinese wine. Zhang Bishi was the first person to make wine in China, who was the pioneer of wine industrial production. Changyu’s success has an immeasurable influence on our country’s national enterprises. It is certain that Zhang Bishi plays the most important role in Changyu’s huge prosperity. Changyu Wine Company keeps innovating and improving, which is the pride of our national enterprise, so it's necessary to probe into this cultural celebrity who contributes greatly to the society. The author combines various materials with the valuation to redact this paper. Then, based on characteristics of the original text, the author will translate the paper and discuss its translation methods such as amplification, omission and so on. It can be concluded that it is important to understand the source text and express its meaning.
Key words: Zhang Bishi, cultural celebrity, translating methods