The masterpiece Focus written by Heidi Grant Halvorson and E. Tory Higgins consisted of two parts. Part one is Promotion and Prevention and Part two is Motivational Fit. In Part One the author analyzes the behavior tendency of two different people, that is, the promotion focused and the prevention focused in the perspectives of winning or losing, occupation, children, love and so on, weighing the gain and loss and indicating the aspects that need to be improved on the strength of The Regulatory Focus Theory. In this book, two chapters from Part One were chosen to be translated, i.e., Chapter Seven Focus on our world and Chapter Eight Identifying and Changing Focus.
Chapter seven Focus on our world is made up of eight aspects: The Right Way to Run Things, Who votes? The Perils of Power, Us versus Them, or Me versus You? Why Birds of a Feather Flock Together, The Challenge to All Get Along, What Happens When Your Beliefs About a Group Are Disconfirmed? and Conclusion.
In chapter seven, the author starts from rhetoric questions, then uses many examples, such as American politics, American immigrant, Racial problems and culture differences, to show how dominant motivational focus affect individual’s behavior tendency and social issues. This process offers a clear and consecutive construction and makes the content easy to understand. In the meantime, the author cited some report from Los Angeles times and a speech of Eliyahu Stern, which provides a more plentiful article.
Chapter eight Identifying and Changing Focus mainly includes three aspects: Clues of Identifying Focus, Changing Focus, at Least Temporarily and What Will Happen If I Do This?
In chapter eight, the author sets forth the benefit of identifying other people’s motivational focus, objective clues, subjective clues, proverbs’ clues, individual’s values that reveal audiences’ dominant motivational focus, and how to change other people’s focus. The same as chapter seven, the author also uses a lot of examples to testify what she had said and states how to identify and change other people’s focus in detail.