Abstract: Listening, as one of the most important abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing, is, however, always ignored by middle school English teaching. MCAI (Multi-media Computer Assisted Instruction) may be defined as, in the teaching process, according to the characteristics of the objects, targets and teaching instruction, a method of joint teaching and learning to combine modern media technology and traditional teaching. It forms a rational structure of teaching process and optimizes the maximum teaching effect. This study aims at analyzing and discussing application of multi-media in English listening class to create an interactive teaching environment, to change the traditional teacher-centered method into the student-centered teaching method, thus improving teaching quality, optimizing interactive process of teaching and learning, increasing listening level and developing innovative thinking among students. It also offers some advice for listening class in middle school.
Key words: listening, MCAI, student-centered, interactive
摘要:听力,作为听说读写技能中最重要的能力之一,却一直受到中学英语教学的忽视。多媒体辅助教学MCAI (Multi-media Computer Assisted Instruction)是指在教学过程中,根据教学目标和教学对象的特点,通过教学设计,合理选择和运用现代教学媒体,并与传统教学手段有机结合,共同参与教学全过程,以多种媒体信息技术作用于学生,形成合理的教学过程结构,从而达到最优化的教学效果。本文通过对多媒体技术在中学英语听力教学案例中的具体应用的分析与探讨,旨在创造互动式的教学环境,改变传统的教师主导地位,转变为以学生为中心的教学模式,从而提高教学质量,优化教与学的互动过程,提高听力水平,培养学生的创新思维,为中学的听力教学提供了些参考与建议。