Abstract:This paper deals with the problem of how to combine the culture of target language with English vocabulary teaching. It also introduces the different definition of culture, the relationship between culture and language, the principles of leading-in culture in English vocabulary teaching: a) system srinciple; b) practical principle; c) principle of going on step by step; d) principle of the contrast of cultural differences; e) synthetical leading-in principle of culture. It also presents some effective ways of permeating culture background knowledge in English vocabulary teaching: a) leading-in directly; b) reading widely; c) organizational discussion; d) applying multimedia; e) improving English teachers’ cultural knowledge.
Key words: culture differences;vocadulary teaching;culture leading-in
中文摘要:本文通过对词汇在中、英两种语言文化背景的差异,论述了如何将目的语文化与词汇教学相结合的问题。介绍了关于文化的仁者见仁的定义,文化与语言的关系,在英语词汇教学中文化导入的原则: 系统性原则、实用性原则、循序渐进原则、对比性原则、综合性原则。同时介绍了在英语词汇教学中进行文化背景知识渗透的一些有效途径:直接导入、大量阅读、组织讨论、运用多媒体、提高英语教师的文化素养。
关键词:文化差异; 词汇教学; 文化导入