ABSTRACT:In recent years, some rural junior students wearied of English learning. Under this condition, this paper conducts an investigation. It analyzes the students’ subjective and objective factors which influence students’ English learning. And then some measures are suggested according to the survey and research. The measures are sentiment education and communicative education, developing students’ autonomy and improving students’ study interests. The measures are applied in English course. It helps the rural junior students to get a correct study attitude and confidence. Students’ initiative of study knowledge is promoted. It makes students glad to study English. The study suggests that the measures could be good methods to English teaching. They are important that students have a correct study attitude, and teachers have to know when and how to use the measures.
Key words: investigation; weariness of English learning; study motivation; suggestion
摘 要:这篇文章通过问卷调查,课堂观察和访谈发现农村中学生英语厌学现象。造成农村中学生英语厌学的原因有学生自身的原因还有一些客观的原因比如:家庭的原因,学校的原因,老师的原因,社会的原因等等。学生厌学的主要表现是课堂注意力不集中,上课烦困,厌恶考试,逃学等等。为了解决这个问题本文提出了一些对策来防治学生厌学。从根本上解决学生厌学问题,必须从转换教育观念,确立学生的主体地位,给学生创造成功的机会,实施一些鼓励评价的手段。
关键词:调查; 英语厌学; 学习动机; 对策