Abstract: In second language acquisition, motivation has been considered as a main factor in determining learning outcomes. American psychologist Weiner put forward the most systematic attribution theory in this area to explain why students can or cannot learn a language well. This thesis concentrates on using the attribution theory in the process of English teaching and learning. The thesis is aimed to find the different attribution trends of students who do well in English and those who have difficulties in learning, to decide among eight factors, which is the most effective factor that influences students’ study, and to prove the statement that different cognitive styles may result in different attribution styles. In order to alter students’ negative beliefs about English learning to positive ones, the author also provides several suggestions for middle school English teachers: leading students to attribute success and failure to effort, raising students’ learning interest and setting good examples to students.
Key words: attribution; middle school students; motivation; English learning; locus of control
摘要:在第二语言学习领域中,动机已经成为影响学习结果的最重要的因素之一。美国心理学家维纳提出了这一领域最系统的归因理论来解释为什么有的学生学习语言好,而有的却很困难的问题。 这篇论文意在用成败归因理论解决三个问题:(1)成绩好的学生与成绩差的学生的不同归因方式。(2)八个影响学生英语成绩的归因因素中,哪个是最具影响力的。(3)不同的认知方式对学生英语归因的影响。为了把学生消极的归因转变成积极的归因方式,作者分析了导致学生不正确归因的原因,并且提出了积极地改进和提高方案。