Abstract:In recent years, researchers at home and abroad have attached great importance to the studies of the effect of learning motivations on the English Grade. Accordingly, various studies on the effect of learning motivations on the English Grade have been evoked both in the foreign countries and in China. Nevertheless, most of these studies focused their attention mainly on college students and city students. Therefore, this study attempts to explore the effect of learning motivations on the English grade polarization of the students in rural junior middle schools.
In this study, we first did a questionnaire investigation and two interviews to look into the current situations concerning learning motivations of students of rural junior middle school, and then we carried out strengthening experiment of learning motivations on the chosen subjects. Through the questionnaire investigation, two interviews and the strengthening experiment, we found out that the score of English examination varies extremely from good and bad, so the English Grade polarization of the students is very serious. And the strengthening experiment of learning motivations has significant effect on the improving students’ learning motivations and their English grade and being conductive to eliminating the polarization of English grade of students. We hope that this study will shed some insights on the English teaching and improvement of English grade of students in rural junior middle schools.
Key Words: rural junior middle school students; learning motivations; strengthening learning motivations; polarization of English grade; an empirical study