Abstract:With the deepening of the secondary English teaching reform,oral English teaching becomes more and more important. Therefore,the goal of secondary school English teaching is not just to pass a series of examinations,but,what’s more,to cultivate students’ communicative competence. Nowadays,though most students can read some English articles,even can write some simple articles in English,they can not make any communication in life except for only getting good marks in examinations. The author believes that oral English teaching is the weak link in secondary English teaching. Many factors have led to the current dumb English phenomenon. To solve this problem,teachers should take effective teaching methods to help students develop interest in oral English,to get rid of psychological barriers and to establish self-confidence,furthermore,teachers should pay more attention to outside class practice so as to improve students’ oral English. This paper makes a preliminary study on effective English teaching methods to solve the problems in oral English teaching.
Keywords: oral English teaching,problems,psychological factors,teaching methods language anxiety;solution
.本文从现阶段中学英语教学中的薄弱环节—口语着手, 针对中学生的英语课堂口语焦虑提出解决策略,如何引导学生克服口语焦虑,如:作为英语教师,帮助学生树立学好英语的信心,以宽容的态度对待学生所犯的语言错误,营造轻松的课堂气氛,建立融洽的师生关系,对学生进行考试心理指导。从传统单一知识讲授转向多方面、全方位的技能训练及能力培养上,帮助学生转化英语基础知识为语言技能,培养学生用英语口语进行日常生活交往的实践能力.培养学生对口语的兴趣,帮助学生消除心理障碍,树立自信,同时不忽视课后实践,从而提高学生的口语水平.,鼓励学生大胆地说出一口流利的英语,摆脱哑巴英语,快乐学英语。