Abstract:Learning difficulty is the current hot issues of common concerned by education circle these days. This present paper is an analysis on the Status Quo existing on students with problems in English learning of Minority Middle School in Tengchong, the western of Yunnan province, such as students’ personal problems (lacking of interest and motivation, using wrong strategies), learning environment and so on. How to solve theses problems? There would be a few countermeasures in this study, for example, to advice the students to use different methods to arouse the interest of learning, to give students a clear goal to stimulate their motivation, to make the students use right ways to learn English, and to perfect the education environment and so on. Those countermeasures will be helpful to improve students’ English level and teachers’ teaching skills.
Keywords: Student with learning problems; Status quo; Countermeasure
摘 要:学习困难问题是当前教育界共同关心的热点问题,本文是对云南省西部地区,腾冲县民族中学学习困难生的现状进行调查分析,并给出策略。如:他们本身存在的问题(缺乏兴趣,动机不强,使用的学习英语的方法不对),学习环境的问题等等。怎么解决这些问题呢?本文对此提出了相应的措施,如,用不同的方法培养兴趣,制定目标强化动机,正确使用学习策略,改善教学环境等。这些方法将对学生的英语水平和教师教学技能有所帮助。