ABSTRACT:Teacher questioning is not only an important teaching tool, but is a basic form of language communication in classroom. A question is the guide to thinking and teacher questioning is the catalyst for English interaction activities. It can arouse students’ attention, transfer students’ enthusiasm and initiative and improve students’ participant awareness. Besides, it also benefits students to cultivate their innovative awareness and to improve the effectiveness of classroom teaching. To achieve the effectiveness of classroom teaching, the most critical question is to realize the effectiveness of the teacher questioning. This thesis explores teacher questioning in English classroom with respect to the six aspects of questioning: student’s views about teachers questioning, distribution of the questions, skills of questioning, and categories of questions, answering styles, and evaluation on answers. Through analyzing the results of questionnaire which was given to 126 students, this thesis attempts to describe the existing classroom teacher questioning situation in junior English teaching and students’ expectations and attitudes towards teacher questioning. It points out the deviations of current classroom teaching, such as, consciousness, behaviors, content and motivations. The thesis, based on the new curriculum concept and building “student-centered” classroom teaching activities, delves into how to improve the effectiveness of teacher questioning.
Key words: Junior English; The New Curriculum; Teacher Questioning; Effectiveness
摘 要:课堂提问是一种重要的教学手段,是课堂语言交流的基本形式。问题是思维的向导,课堂提问是英语交际活动的催化剂,能集中学生的注意力,调动学生在课堂上的积极性与主动性,提高学生的参与意识,有利于学生创新意识的培养和课堂教学效率的提高。要实现课堂教学的有效性,最关键的是要实现课堂提问的有效性。就提问所涉及的6个方面,即:学生对教师提问的看法、提问的分布、提问的技巧、问题的种类、回答方式、回答评价,本文从新课程理念出发,通过分析126名学生的问卷调查结果来探讨初中英语教师课堂提问现状及学生对提问的期望和态度情况,并指出目前教学中课堂提问存在着意识、行为、内容、动机等方面的偏差,然后就如何围绕构建“以学生为主体”的课堂教学活动,提高课堂提问有效性进行了探究。