ABSTRACT:New English Curriculum Standard (NECS, 2001) calls for betterment both in learning process and teaching concept. Teachers are required to pay more attention to the individuality of learners. At the same time, the spirits of Quality-oriented education is to make education face all the students and make them develop fully, actively and harmoniously. However, the present English teaching cannot accord well with the requirements of the NECS and the spirits of Quality-oriented education. In order to suit the requirements of curriculum reform and improve the teaching efficiency, a rural middle school in Honghe prefecture, Yunnan province has adopted a new teaching method-English teaching at different levels. This research main analyze the possibilities and effects of the method in the school.
Through implementation of English teaching at different levels in the rural middle school (grade seven students) of a small county in HongHe Prefecture, by using interview, test, questionnaire and class observation, some reliable data are gathered. After analysis of these data, the following findings are discovered:
English teaching at different levels well accord with NECS and spirits of Quality-oriented education. Moreover, it strengthens the positive, the confidence, the interests and inner motivations of the students. The aim of learning, attitude, ideas of students have changed. The scores obviously improve. English teaching at different levels is happily acceptable for teachers and students.
Key words: rural middle school; problems; English teaching at different levels
摘 要: 英语新课标(2001)对教学过程和教学观念提出了更高的要求。要求老师要更加关注每个学生的发展。同时,素质教育的实质是要求教育面向全体学生,让他们每个人都能全面,积极,和谐的发展。然而,目前的英语教学已经不能很好的满足新课标和素质教育的要求。为了更好的满足课程改革的要求,提高英语教学效率,云南省红河州的一所农村中学采用了英语分层次教学法。本文就此方法在该校的可行性和教学效果进行了分析。