Abstract:A teacher’s behaviors include verbal and nonverbal behavior. Both of them play an important role in the process of the classroom teaching and learner’s language learning. More and more scholars and researchers home and abroad have gradually realized that English teachers’ attitudes and behaviors affect students’ achievements. The paper will get some information about which behaviors will have influence on students’ achievements through the questionnaire conducted in the Mingjiu and Laozhai junior middle school .The data analysis shows that teacher’s encouragement, emotional concern and the way of praise and reprove are the mainly factors which have strong influence on student’s English achievement. Teacher’s behavior can impact student’s study interest and motivation which affect student’s English achievement. This paper has explored teacher's behavior influence on student's English score, and also pointed out that teacher should use their behaviors to infect and guide their students.
Key Words: Junior Middle School ;English Teacher Behavior; Minority Area; Influence; English Achievement
中文摘要:教师行为主要包课堂上的言语行为和非言语行为,教师的言语行为在于传授知识,促进知识交流;而非言语行为则旨在建立师生和谐的关系,促进人际交流。越来越多的国内外学者逐渐认识到英语教师的态度和行为会对学生的英语成绩产生影响。本文以鸣鹫、老寨中学为例,通过调查问卷的形式来分析教师行为的哪些方面会影响学生的学习成绩。通过数据分析显示:教师的鼓励、情感关注、批评与表扬的方法等是影响学生学习成绩最主要的因素,并且教师行为在有效激发学生学习动机、 提高学习兴趣和效果等方面有着重要作用和意义。本文概述了教师行为对学生英语学习成绩的直接影响,并指出教师在教学过程中应全方位地利用自己的行为来感染学生和引导学生。