Abstract:An effective way for junior middle school students to study English is English reading comprehension. It has also turned to be a convenient way of acquiring cultural information of English-speaking countries. When students read an English text, the interaction between their background knowledge and the meaning of the text is a dynamic process, which is regarded as the application of schema theory. In English classroom teaching, with the purpose of making students achieve a better reading competence, teachers can guide junior middle school students to take advantages of schema theory. In order to efficiently improve reading competence of junior middle school students, this thesis carries out a preliminary study on the application of schema-oriented teaching method in English reading classes.
Key words: schema theory; junior middle school students; English reading comprehension
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-2
3. The Nature of Reading Comprehension-3
3.1 Definition of Reading Comprehension-3
3.2 Three Reading Models-3
3.3 Factors Influence Junior Middle School Students’ English Reading-5
4. Schema Theory-6
4.1 Definition of Schema Theory-6
4.2 Types of Schema Theory-7
5. The Employment of Schema Theory in English Reading Class-7
5.1 Design Activities with Word Association-8
5.2 Design Activities with Prediction and Verification-9
5.3 Design Activities with Direct Practice-9
5. Conclusion-10
Works Cited-12