Abstract:As everyone knows, with the reform of the language teaching and learning methods, the goals of English teaching have turned to improving students’ ability of communication and of integrated application of English. In recent years, following the national entrance examination to college, students are required to have an extra oral test. However, because of the limitation in comprehension and oral expression, quite a few students are likely to fail this oral exam. They cannot express their thoughts in English orally even though they have a very solid grasp of the knowledge about English grammar rules, words and texts. It obviously does not meet the need of society. This limitation no doubt has great connection with a teacher’s teaching perspective and strategies. To solve the problem, teachers are required to put emphasis on cultivating learners’ communication competence beside grammar competence. Retelling the text in class is one of the most effective ways to enable students to speak English fluently and confidently. At the same time, it can improve students’ ability of comprehensions. In this article, I will discuss how to use retelling properly during the teaching process and the concrete application of retelling to improve students’ comprehension and oral English.
Key words: retelling; English teaching; comprehension; oral English
摘要:众所周知,随着语言教学的改革,英语教育的主要目的已转向提高学生的交际能力和综合运用语言的能力。最近几年,对参加了全国统一高考后的学生还要求进行口语测试。但是,由于学生的理解与口头表达能力的限制,他们中有许多人很可能通不过这个考试,尽管有些高中生对英语语言基础知识掌握得很好,却不能用英语口语表达他们的意思。这明显不能适应当今社会的发展。毫无疑问,这种现象与教师的教学观及教学策略有着紧密的联系。要解决这个问题, 就要求老师们把培养学生的交际能力与学习英语基础知识的能力置于同等重要的地位。课堂上的复述训练是有效帮助学生练习英语口语的方法之一,它同时还能提高学生的理解能力。在这篇文章中,我将讨论初中英语教师在教学过程中如何恰当的运用复述训练的方法来辅助教学达到提高学生理解力和口语表达能力的目的,以及复述在提高学生理解力和口语表达能力的运用。