Abstract: By observing five student teachers’ teaching videos, this study aims at analyzing the number and the types of the student teachers’ feedbacks. As a complement, interviews are carried out to find out student teachers’ opinions of feedback and questionnaires are conducted to investigate the students’ attitudes towards student teachers’ feedbacks. It’s found student teachers use feedback much less frequently than the number used by professional teachers. The student teachers often use simple praise as the feedbacks and use explicit for correction least. Students hope to receive less simple praise and more praise and extension, and meaning negotiation as feedbacks and they hope to receive the feedbacks such as praise and extension and meaning negotiation.Then the author proposes that student teachers should take students’attitudes into consideration and use more effective feedbacks in the classroom teaching .
Key words: student teachers; feedback; English classes
1. Introduction1
2. Literature Review ..1
2.1 Definition of Teacher’s Feedback
2.2 Classification of Teacher’s Feedback
2.3 Related Studies of English Teacher’s Feedback
3. Research Methodology...4
3.1 Research Questions
3.2 Research Participants
3.3 Research Instrument
3.4 Date Collection
3.5 Date Analysis
4. Findings and Discussion...........6
4.1 Number of Student Teacher’s Feedback
4.2 Types of Student Teacher’s Feedback
4.3 Student Teachers’ and Students’ Attitudes to Teachers’ Feedback
5. Conclusion11