Grammar teaching has been a controversial issue in foreign language field. With the development of globalization, the teaching concepts of teachers have been changing. Meanwhile, there are some difference on grammar teaching between teachers and students.
On the basis of the analysis of grammar teaching background, this study reviews the history of grammar teaching theories in China and abroad. It manages to investigate students and teachers to understand the present grammar teaching concepts and the difference between teachers and students. The participants of the study includes 10 teachers and 50 students from a middle school in Chengdu. The instruments of collecting data are questionnaires and interview in quantitative and qualitative methods. The article aims to solve the following problems: (1) what’s the Chinese English teacher’s concept of present grammar teaching? (2) What’s the middle school student’s concept of present grammar teaching? (3) What are the differences between the English teachers’ and the students’ concepts of grammar teaching? The purpose of the study is to understand the different concepts between teachers and students so as to help teachers examine students' perceptions on grammar and adjust their teaching strategies for more efficient grammar teaching. And, it also help students develop correct attitudes towards grammar learning to improve learning efficiency.
The study draws some conclusions from similarities and differences as follows:
Similarities: (1) Both the teachers and the students approve that grammar plays a strong positive role in English learning. (2) Both the teachers and the students deem that grammar learning should be in real-life environment, and the methods of grammar teaching should be various.
Difference: (1) The students hope that teachers pay more attention to their grammar forms and get corrective feedback. (2)The middle school students are unwilling to be corrected in the class. (3) The students tend to neglect the positive effect of grammar to their spoken English.
Based on the study, teachers should have timely communication with students to know their perceptions on grammar and let students understand the different teaching methods so as to strike a balance between two sides for a better teaching.
Key words: English teaching in middle school; Grammar teaching concept; Teachers and students
1.1-Research background-6
1.1.1-The importance of grammar learning-6
1.1.2-The present situation of grammar teaching-7
1.2-Research purpose-7
1.3-Significance of the research-8
1.4-Structure of the dissertation-8
2.-Literature review-9
2.1-The traditional authority of the grammar-translation method-9
2.2-The overview of the major teaching theories of English grammar abroad-10
2.3-The overview of the conception about English grammar in China-12
3.1-Research questions-13
3.3-Research methods-14
3.4-Data analysis-15
4.-Findings and discussion-16
5.1-Implications of the research-20
5.2-Limitations of the research-21
5.3-Suggestions for future research-22
Appendix Ⅲ-29