Assessment plays a very significant role in English teaching and learning. However, the negative impacts of traditional assessment-- summative assessment now have been realized by the educators. Formative assessment which gathers information about student learning is receiving more and more attention. Motivation is considered an important factor in learning English. The English Curriculum Standards (2011) lays emphasis on language motivation and takes it as one of the objectives of English teaching. However, there is still a lack of systematic research that addresses the correlation between formative assessment and student motivation.
This study intends to find out the positive influence of formative assessment on student motivation, and further explores some effective formative assessment strategies which can be employed in and out of class. This study aims to answer these questions:
1)How does formative assessment stimulate students’ motivation?
2)What formative assessment strategies can be used to enhance junior high school students’ motivation to learn English?
In order to answer the three questions, the research was taken in Hengdian Middle School through applying the formative assessment strategies, collected data from the questionnaires and tests and analyzed. The results of this research show that implementing formative assessment is able to stimulate students’ motivation, especially having stronger impact on extrinsic motivation. As a result of motivation strengthened, English achievement is improved.
Chapter One presents a simple introduction to the research background and significance of the study. Chapter Two reviews the related motivation theories and formative assessment studies. Chapter Three is concerning with the research design of the survey study. Chapter Four is composed of results and analysis. Chapter Five gives a conclusion of the whole dissertation.
Key words: formative assessment; motivation; correlation
摘 要
Chapter 1 Introduction-1
1.1 Background of the Study-1
1.2 Significance of the Study-1
1.3 Overall Structure of the Thesis-2
Chapter 2 Literature Review-3
2.1 Motivation-3
2.2 Formative Assessment-4
2.3 The Relationship between Formative Assessment and Motivation-5
Chapter 3 Research Methodology-6
3.1 Research Hypothesis-6
3.2 Participants-6
3.3 Instruments-7
3.3.1 Questionnaires-7
3.3.2 Tests-7
3.3.3 Formative assessment strategies-7
3.4 Procedures-7
3.5 Data Collection-9
Chapter 4 Results and Analysis-11
4.1 Results and Analysis on Questionnaire-11
4.1.1 Influence of Formative Assessment on Extrinsic Motivation-11
4.1.2 Influence of Formative Assessment on Intrinsic Motivation-13
4.2 Results and Analysis on Tests-14
Chapter 5 Conclusion-15
5.1 Findings-15
5.2 Implications-15
5.3 Limitations and Recommendations for Further Research-16
5.3.1 Limitations -16
5.3.2 Recommendations for Further Research-16
Appendix 1-18
Appendix 2-19